ISO 29119: Why is the Debate One-Sided? /
ISO 29119: なぜ議論が一方的なのか?

(訳注:このページは、uTestのWebサイト(に掲載されている"ISO 29119: Why is the Debate One-Sided?“の日本語訳です。文書の性質上なるべく正確さを期すようにしていますが、念のため英文を掲載して対訳形式にしています。この文書は著者であるJames Christieに翻訳および公開を許諾されています。翻訳はgoyoki@gmail.comが行いました。翻訳部分の全ての文責は翻訳者に帰着します。もし誤訳や不適切な部分があれば、qualab.jpの管理人であるまでお知らせ下さい。)

In August, the Stop 29119 campaign and petition kicked off at CAST 2014 in New York. In September, I wrote on the uTest Blog about why the new ISO/IEC/IEEE 29119 software testing standards are dangerous to the software testing community and good testing.

8月、ニューヨークでのCAST2014において、Stop 29119のキャンペーンと請願活動が開始された。
9月には、ソフトウェアテストのコミュニティや良いテストにとって、ISO/IEC/IEEE 29119の新しいソフトウェアテスト標準がなぜ危険なのかについて、私はuTest Blogに書いた。

I was amazed at the commotion ‘Stop 29119′ caused. It was the biggest talking point in testing in 2014. Over six months have passed, and it’s time to look back. What has actually happened?

Stop 29199の騒動が引き起こしたものに私は驚かされた。それは2014年のテストの話題として、最も大きなものとなった。騒動が始まって6ヶ月以上が経過したが、振り返るべきタイミングだ。これまで実際に何が起こっただろうか?

The remarkable answer is – very little. The Stop 29119 campaigners haven’t given up. There have been a steady stream of blogs and articles. However, there has been no real debate; the discussion has been almost entirely one-sided.

Stop 29119の活動者はとどまることがなかった。ブログや記事は途絶えることなく安定して出てきた。ただ現実でディベートが行われることなく、議論はほとんど一方的なものになった。

There has been only one response from ISO. In September, Dr. Stuart Reid, the convener of the working group that produced the standard, issued a statement attempting to rebut the arguments of Stop 29119. That was it. ISO then retreated into its bunker and ignored invitations to debate.

ISOからの反応は一つだけだった。9月に、Stuart Reid博士(標準を作成するワーキンググループのコンビナー)が、Stop 29119の主張への反論を試みる声明を出した。そしてISOは身を引いて、ディベートへの誘いを無視した。それだけだった。

Dr. Reid’s response was interesting, both in its content and the way it engaged with the arguments of Stop 29119. The Stop 29119 petition was initiated by the board of the International Society for Software Testing. ISST’s website had a link to the petition, and a long list of blogs and articles from highly credible testing experts criticizing ISO 29119. It is a basic rule of debate that one always tackles an opponent’s strongest points.

However, Dr. Reid ignored these authoritative arguments and responded to a series of points that he quoted from the comments on the petition site.
To be more accurate, Dr. Reid paraphrased a selection of the comments and criticisms from elsewhere, framing them in a way that made it easier to refute them. Some of these points were no more than strawmen.

Reid博士の反応は、内容、およびStop 29119の主張への噛み合い方の点で興味深いものだった。
Stop 29119の請願活動は、ISST(International Society for Software Testing)の委員会より始められたものだ。ISSTのウェブサイトでは請願へのリンクを設けた。またISO 29119を非難している、強く信頼できるテストの専門家たちのブログや記事の長大なリンクのリストも用意した。


So Cem Kaner argued that IEEE adopts a “software engineering standards process that I see as a closed vehicle that serves the interests of a relatively small portion of the software engineering community… The imposition of a standard that imposes practices and views on a community that would not otherwise agree to them, is a political power play.”

例えばCem Kanerは「ソフトウェアエンジニアリングの限られたコミュニティの権益の得るための、閉鎖的なソフトウェアエンジニアリングの標準プロセスを、IEEEは適用しようとしている。同意しないコミュニティにその施行や見解を押し付ける標準の強制は、政治的パワープレイでしかない」と主張した。

Dr. Reid presented such arguments as “no one outside the Working Group is allowed to participate”and “the standards ‘movement’ is politicized and driven by big business to the exclusion of others.”

These arguments were then dismissed by stating that anyone can join the Working Group, which consists of people from all parts of the industry. Dr. Reid also emphasized that “consensus” applies only to those within the ISO process, failing to address the criticism that this excludes those who believe, with compelling evidence, that ISO-style standardization is inappropriate for testing.



These criticisms had been made forcefully for many years, in articles and at conferences, yet Dr. Reid blithely presented the strawman that “no one knew about the standards and the Working Group worked in isolation.” He then effortlessly demolished the argument that nobody was making.


What about the content? There were concerns about how ISO 29119 deals with Agile and Exploratory Testing. For example, Rikard Edgren offered a critique arguing that the standards tried but failed to deal with Agile. Similarly, Huib Schoots argued that a close reading of the standards revealed that the writers didn’t understand exploratory testing at all.

内容についてはどうだろうか?そこではISO29119でのアジャイルや探索的テストの扱いについて懸念が存在する。例えば、Rikard Edgrenは「標準をアジャイルに適用しようとしたが失敗した」という批判を提示した。同じように、Huib Schootsは「標準の執筆者は探索的テストを何もわかっていないことが、標準を読むと明白だ」と主張した。

These are serious arguments that defenders of the standard must deal with if they are to appear credible. What was the ISO response?


Dr. Reid reduced such concerns with bland and inaccurate statements that “the standards represent an old-fashioned view and do not address testing on agile projects” and ”the testing standards do not allow exploratory testing to be used.” Again, these were strawmen that he could dismiss easily.


I could go on to highlight in detail other flaws in the ISO response — the failure to address the criticism that the standards weren’t based on research or experience that demonstrates the validity of that approach, the failure to answer the concern that the standards will lead to compulsion by the back door, the failure to address the charge from the founders of Context-Driven Testing that the standards are the antithesis of CDT, and the evasion of the documented links between certification and standards.


In the case of research, Dr. Reid told us of the distinctly underwhelming claims from a Finnish PhD thesis that the standards represent “a feasible process model for a practical organization with some limitations.” These limitations are pretty serious — “too detailed” and “the standard model is top-heavy.” It’s interesting to note that the PhD study was produced before ISO 29119 part 3 was issued; the study does not mention part 3 in the references. The study can therefore offer no support for the heavyweight documentation approach that ISO 29119 embodies.

またその博士の研究が、ISO29119 Part3の発行前に作られており、Part 3への参照がないのに留意すべきだ。提示されている研究が、ISO29119の重量級のドキュメンテーションのアプローチの支持として、有効でないということだ。

So instead of standards based on credible research, we see a search for any research offering even lukewarm support for standards that have already been developed. That is not the way to advance knowledge and practice.


These are all huge concerns, and the software testing community has received no satisfactory answers. As I said, we should always confront our opponents’ strongest arguments in a debate. In this case, I’ve run through the only arguments that ISO have presented. Is it any wonder that the ‘Stop 29119′ campaigners don’t believe we have been given any credible answers at all?

今回のケースでは、ISOが提示した唯一の声明に目を通した。Stop 29119の推進者が信頼できる解答を得られたと考えていない現状は、奇妙ではないだろうか?

What will ISO do? Does it wish to avoid public discussion in the hope that the ISO brand and the magic word “standards” will help them embed the standards in the profession? That might have worked in the past. Now, in the era of social media and blogging, there is no hiding place. Anyone searching for information about ISO 29119 will have no difficulty finding persuasive argumentsagainst it. They will not find equally strong arguments in favor of the standards. That seems to be ISO’s chice. I wonder why.

その対応はかつては有効だったかもしれない。しかし今は、ソーシャルメディアやブログの時代であり、隠れ場所はない。ISO29119 関連の情報を検索する者ならばだれであっても、説得力のあるISO29119への反対意見を容易に見つけるだろう。一方で、標準を強く支持する主張は同じようには見つけられないだろう。